Quality Fiction at its best, by Quality Writers

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Voices From The Heart
Through the secret kindness of a friend, Alan Paige rises from the despair of destitution to a high place in the financial world of Wall Street. Years later, when he discovers what Tony Feller has done for him, just as he learns how Tony's life has taken a different turn, he swears to rescue Tony out of his misery.
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[Ordinary Lives]

Ordinary Lives: A Journey Through America, Memoir
America--Of the People, By the People, For the People, and What kind of people. A coming-of-age story of a newcomer, from the point of view first of an innocent young man to that of an adult, battle-hardened by the realities of life he found in his struggle to survive in New Jersey, Canada, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.
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[The Message]

"What good is a victory,
if it turns you into your enemy?"

The Message - A Thriller, 475 p.
A disgruntled federal worker with top-secret clearance decides to get even with his bosses by selling critical security data to America`s enemies, resulting in horrifying consequences to the U.S. Government.
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[The Message]

Polarized The country self-destructs during the second American Civil War. Read the Precis and selected Chapters.. Preview the Climax of the story: Epilog. (Order print copy)

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Circa July 2008
an Author,

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[Being Here]

[Mr n Ms]

[Duck People]


[Ordinary Lives II]

Being Here
A novel about America
and the making of today's
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Mr and Ms Stories
Four endearing
short novels that
bring the silent tears
and then the smiles and
laughter to wipe them dry

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Duck People
Nine captivating stories that
reach out into the heart and mind,
baring some of our most feared
and most fulfilling emotions,
each one told with unrelenting
frankness and realism.
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A story collection that stages the prime of our life, its bittersweet periods of content and discontent in our time, baring many unspoken longings in pursuit of success, happiness--and love.
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Ordinary Lives: Part II
A view of the country − and the world − after fifty-five years of one ordinary life in America.
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